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Surgical Education Committees (All)

Together, the four Surgery Education Committees (outlined below) are responsible for setting goals, objectives, and policies pertaining to the General Surgery Residency Program. The committees consist of program leadership, faculty members, and residents (where appropriate), providing an open channel of communication between residents, program directors and faculty members.

Clinical Competency Committee (CCC)

The CCC is responsible for conducting performance evaluations for every clinical resident of the General Surgery Residency Training Program at least twice yearly. The committee makes recommendations for ACGME Milestones assessments for each resident discussed, as well as recommendations for promotion, performance improvement, or corrective action to the program director. The decision for remediation or non-renewal of the contract of any resident will be the decision of the program director, with strong consideration of the input of the CCC.

The CCC meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month from 5:00-6:30pm and is chaired by Lan Vu, M.D., Associate Program Director for Assessment.

Education Office Staff Lead: Winnie Green (

CCC Page 

Surgical Education Commitee (SEC)

The SEC regularly reviews and assesses the rotational and didactic curriculum of the General Surgery residency. This includes a yearly review of every rotation, regular reviews of each aspect of the didactic curriculum, including Skills Lab, by level.

The SEC meets on the second Wednesday of each month from 5:30-7:00pm and is chaired by Rita Mukhtar, M.D., Associate Program Director for Curriculum. 

Education Office Staff Lead: Alexi Callen (

SEC Page 

Program Evaluation Committee (PEC)

The PEC provides a broad, executive perspective to General Surgery Residency program evaluation and improvement. Long term and yearly program goals will be identified and assessed on an ongoing basis. 

The PEC meets on the first Thursday of each month from 5:30-6:30pm and is chaired by Kenzo Hirose, M.D.

Education Office Staff Lead: Heidi Crist (

PEC Page 

Professional Development Committee (PDC)

The PDC develops, reviews, and improves the General Surgery Residency program efforts regarding 1) Mentorship and career development 2) Wellness 3) Diversity, equity, and inclusion 

The PDC meets on the third Monday of each month from 5:30-6:30pm and is chaired by Wen Shen, M.D., Associate Program Director for Professional Development.

Education Office Staff Lead: Rachelle Bresnahan (

PDC Page 


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